John Rankin Mills

Hello! Welcome to my site, home of the “Millsey Blog” ! Now that you’ve found me you might as well take the time to have a proper look around the place. Here you will find some information and links to what I do best. Writing, presenting, streaming, gaming, comedy and standing about on Welsh hills.

If you want to know a bit more about me then do peruse my “about” section. Be sure to check out my blog too and by all means let me know what you think. (Look at me – I’ve had a hard life. I can take it.) You’ll also find details here about the various things I do and where to find me doing them or how to get in touch. Maybe you’d like to hire me? Yes, that’s right you would. No… Really, you would!!! I’ll be honest, I’ve got a wife and 2 children with extravagant lifestyles and I need the money! –

Ahem… Check out the drop-down menus anyway and see what you think!

I also have a Twitter feed and Facebook page, (I’m a social media addict!) and always welcome a new follower or two. Again, details and links to these can be found from the menu at the top of the page.

You should also check out the “links” section in the drop-down menu above, where as well as some useful lings to other stuff you might like there are detail of my Rankin Mills consultancy site. (Well, I don’t just do this all day you know!)

